Colorectal Cancer Alliance

“But, stuff…”
TV & Radio PSAs

Excuses, excuses… excuses. You were going to get a screening, but stuff keeps getting in the way. With busy schedules and work and family obligations, it can be easy to put off things that seem less pressing. But your health should never be one of them.

So don't let “but stuff…” keep you from getting a colorectal screening. Early detection is key to the successful treatment of colorectal cancer. Don't wait. ;)

CONCEPT: Jonathan Tenkely
CREATIVE DIRECTION: Dan Kiefer, Jonathan Tenkely & Robert Stocking
DIRECTOR & EDITOR:  Ritchie Wedeking
COLORIST: Brian DeHerrera-Schnerring
AUDIO POST: Coupe Studios
PRODUCERS: Ritchie Wedeking & Robert Stocking